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Learning Stateful Models for Network Honeypots

Attacks like call fraud and identity theft often involve sophisticated stateful attack patterns which, on top of normal communication, try to harm systems on a higher semantic level than usual attack scenarios. To detect these kind of threats via specially deployed honeypots, at least a minimal understanding of the inherent state machine of a specific service is needed to lure potential attackers and to keep a communication for a sufficiently large number of steps. To this end we propose PRISMA, a method for protocol inspection and state machine analysis, which infers a functional state machine and message format of a protocol from network traffic alone. We apply our method to three real-life network traces ranging from 10,000 up to 2 million messages of both binary and textual protocols. We show that PRISMA is capable of simulating complete and correct sessions based on the learned models. A use case on malware traffic reveals the different states of the execution, rendering PRISMA a valuable tool for malware analysis.

See also a lecture about this topic held at the University of Goettingen which additionally introduces some basic statistical methods. Furthermore, we have prepared an R package PRISMA hosted on CRAN.

Fast Cross-Validation via Sequential Analysis

With the increasing size of today's data sets, finding the right parameter configuration via cross-validation can be an extremely time-consuming task. In this talk we propose an improved cross-validation procedure which uses non-parametric testing coupled with sequential analysis to determine the best parameter set on linearly increasing subsets of the data. By eliminating underperforming candidates quickly and keeping promising candidates as long as possible the method speeds up the computation while preserving the capability of the full cross-validation. The experimental evaluation shows that our method reduces the computation time by a factor of up to 120 compared to a full cross-validation with a negligible impact on the accuracy. Code is available as package CVST on CRAN.

ASAP: Automatic Semantics-Aware Analysis of Network Payloads

Automatic inspection of network payloads is a prerequisite for effective analysis of network communication. Security research has largely focused on network analysis using protocol specifications, for example for intrusion detection, fuzz testing and forensic analysis. The specification of a protocol alone, however, is often not sufficient for accurate analysis of communication, as it fails to reflect individual semantics of network applications. In our talk we propose a framework for semantics-aware analysis of network payloads which automatically extracts semantics-aware components from recorded network traffic. Our method proceeds by mapping network payloads to a vector space and identifying communication templates corresponding to base directions in the vector space. We demonstrate the efficacy of semantics-aware analysis in different security applications: automatic discovery of patterns in honeypot data, analysis of malware communication and network intrusion detection.

TokDoc: A Self-Healing Web Application Firewall

The growing amount of web-based attacks poses a severe threat to the security of web applications. Signature-based detection techniques increasingly fail to cope with the vari- ety and complexity of novel attack instances. As a remedy, we introduce in our talk a protocol-aware reverse HTTP proxy TokDoc (the token doctor), which intercepts requests and decides on a per-token basis whether a token requires automatic "healing". In particular, we propose an intelligent mangling technique, which, based on the decision of previously trained anomaly detectors, replaces suspicious parts in requests by benign data the system has seen in the past. Evaluation of our system in terms of accuracy is performed on two real- world data sets and a large variety of recent attacks. In com- parison to state-of-the-art anomaly detectors, TokDoc is not only capable of detecting most attacks, but also significantly outperforms the other methods in terms of false positives. Runtime measurements show that our implementation can be deployed as an inline intrusion prevention system.

An Architecture for Inline Anomaly Detection

In this talk we propose an intrusion prevention system (IPS) which operates inline and is capable to detect unknown attacks using anomaly detection methods. Incorporated in the framework of a packet filter each incoming packet is analyzed and - according to an internal connection state and a computed anomaly score - either delivered to the production system, redirected to a special hardened system or logged to a network sink for later analysis. Runtime measurements of an actual implementation prove that the performance overhead of the system is sufficient for inline processing. Accuracy measurements on real network data yield improvements especially in the number of false positives, which are reduced by a factor of five compared to a plain anomaly detector.